Interstate Vs Trojan Golf Cart Batteries – A Performance Comparison

Selecting the best battery for your golf cart can be as challenging as finding the right set of irons for your swing. There are numerous options, and the majority of information is so scientific. That you need a degree to understand what you are getting yourself into.

That is why I am here, to remove the complexities. In this post, we are reviewing Interstate vs Trojan golf cart batteries. The aim is to determine which one lasts longer and provides the best value for money.

Interstate Vs Trojan Golf Cart Batteries Review

Interstate Golf Cart Batteries

Interstate Golf Cart Batteries


  • Extended life span
  • Quick recharge
  • Reduced maintenance
  • Built to withstand the strain of consistent deep cycling
  • Delivers increased run time between charges
  • 6-month warranty
  • Affordable


  • Can only be discharged up to 50%
  • Difficult to purchase their batteries online.
  • Moderately expensive
  • Lifespan not as long as Trojan batteries

With the variety of golf cart batteries available today, Interstate golf cart products are often overshadowed by brands such as Crown, Trojan, and Duracell. However, Interstate has been around since the 1950s and has been lauded for its absorbent glass mat (AGM) deep cycle batteries. Which are dependable and enjoy a considerable life span.

The brand’s AGM batteries were built to require less maintenance, and every unit comes with a one-year warranty. Interstate offers four golf cart batteries, Extreme Deep Cycle, High Cycle, Powerfast, and M-Line.

The Extreme Deep Cycle batteries offer the longest reserve capacity of all Interstate golf cart batteries. They also hold the title for the longest-running time and cycle of the brand’s batteries.

These batteries are only available in 6-volt options and are designed to deliver 20 Amps per hour for 225 hours.

The remaining Interstate golf cart batteries deliver lower amp hours than the Deep Cycle Batteries. But, they are all more affordable options.

Interstate Golf Cart Batteries Features and Benefits

AGM Deep Cycle

AGM Deep Cycle batteries are non-hazardous and will not leak even if they are damaged. Which means that they are often more durable than gel batteries.

They also offer a low self-discharge, between 1-3% per month. That means that if you don’t use your golf cart during the winter. You can be confident the battery will be ready for action for golf in the Spring and Summer.

Durable Batteries

Plates within the Interstate AGM deep cycle batteries are compactly positioned and statically mounted to shield against vibration damage and shock damage.

Reduced Maintenance

The greatest advantage of the Interstate golf cart batteries is the reduced level of maintenance. They do not require constant watering, nor do they require weekly inspections, standard AGM batteries demand.

Volt Options

Interstate offers golf cart batteries in three voltage choices. 6-volt, 8-volt, and 12-volt. Extreme Deep Cycle batteries from Interstate are only available in a 6-volt option.

While 12-volt batteries are only found in the High Cycle range. For the rest, you will be able to take your pick of a 6-volt or 8-volt golf cart battery.

Amp Hours

As is the case with volt options, the amp hours vary by battery model. Their 6-volt AMG Deep Cycle batteries will carry you for 11 hours, at 20 amps per hour. Whereas, with the rest of Interstate’s golf cart batteries, you are looking at an average of 10 hours of run time at 20 a/h.


The Deep Cycle batteries will set you back around $170 per unit, which is moderately high. However, they do offer more affordable options that will run you less than $100 per unit.

Trojan Golf Cart Batteries

Trojan Golf Cart Batteries


  • Provides a fast charge
  • Excellent durability
  • Delivers more power to your golf cart
  • 2-year warranty
  • Long life span


  • Expensive
  • 12 v model batteries only compatible with a select number of golf carts
  • Gassing
  • Demands constant maintenance (every 2-4 weeks)
  • Trojan’s Customer service is not highly regarded

In 1925, Trojan commenced operations, becoming the first company to manufacture a revolutionary deep-cycle flooded battery. 27 years later, their innovation showed no signs of slowing, as they proceeded to produce the world’s first golf cart battery.

Since then, the company has created batteries for military recon vehicles across the globe. And were also responsible for the first battery on the moon.

Trojan golf cart batteries are used by 90% of the finest golf courses in the United States, owing to their phenomenal longevity, power, and reliability. On average, a golf cart owner will get seven years of life out from a Trojan if every facet is religiously maintained.

Trojan Batteries Features and Benefits

Deep Cycle Flooded Battery

Deep cycle flooded products are the standard in battery manufacturing. However, they require more maintenance than AGM deep cycle batteries. Anyone who does not know what they are doing can easily damage the battery and will not enjoy the lifespan they were designed to provide.

Batteries with this design are known to generate gas or leak acid if they are not completely upright. But, the reason Trojan uses this style of battery is due to the additional power it provides over other battery types.

Recycled Chassis

While the design of Trojan batteries can pose environmental risks. The company predominantly uses recycled materials to construct the body of its batteries. This is Trojan’s way of doing their part to reduce battery waste.


Trojan batteries are used by 90% of the United States’ for a reason. The longevity of their batteries outweighs most golf cart batteries. If you look after your batteries and check them every two weeks, and only use distilled water. You can get up to 7 to 8 years out of them.

Volt Options

When it comes to Trojan golf cart batteries, you have three voltage choices, 6, 8, and 12-volt. The 12-volt batteries only function with a limited selection of golf carts, so make sure you check that your cart is compatible with one of these before making the purchase.

Amp Hours

6- volt Trojan golf cart batteries can run at 20 amps an hour for 10 hours up to 20-hours. Depending on the specific model that you are acquiring. Whereas their 8-volt golf cart batteries will carry you for 8 to 10 hours at 20/ AH. Finally, 12-volt Trojans can run at 20 AH for 4 to 11 hours.


The price of a battery is dependent on the voltage, quality of materials, and performance. However, the recommended sales price of Trojan’s, vary from $170 up to $400. Which is higher than the majority of their competitor batteries per unit.

Interstate vs Trojan Golf Cart Batteries – Price

Interstate batteries are certainly not the cheapest on the market when compared to entry-level products. However, they are considerably more affordable than Trojan batteries. As a result, Interstate golf cart batteries win the affordability round.

Interstate vs Trojan – Amp Hours

On average, Trojan batteries tend to deliver more amp hours at 20/AH than their Interstate counterparts. The Interstate’s provide 20/AH for approximately 11 hours on average, whereas, The Trojan’s average 14 hours. As a result, it is the Trojan batteries who win this round.

Interstate vs Trojan – Maintenance

Trojan’s deep-cycle flooded batteries require more maintenance than Interstate’s AGM deep cycle flooded units. Trojan batteries require consistent maintenance and distilled water replacement, compared to minimal maintenance of the Interstate’s.

Interstate vs Trojan – LifeSpan

While Interstate batteries will last you five to six years, they still fall short of the Trojans in this department. If Trojan batteries are correctly maintained, they have been known to last for seven to nine years. Which is one of the longest lifespans in the industry.

Final Thoughts

After conducting our review of Interstate vs Trojan golf cart batteries, it is interesting to see that both batteries won two out of the four categories in our test.

While Interstate batteries are more affordable and require less maintenance, they do not have as long a life span as the Trojans and come out second in terms of amp-hours.

Therefore, it is the Trojan batteries that I would recommend if you are looking for new batteries for your cart. You can check out more of their golf cart battery options here.

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Nick is the founder of GolfSpan and an avid golfer. He's not quite a pro but has over 15 years of experience playing and coaching golfers worldwide. His mission is to bring the golfing community a better experience when it comes to choosing the right golf gear and finding the right setup for your game.

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